Sargodha To Bahawalpur Train Fare & Timings 2024

Here you can find all the details regarding the train fare and timings for travel from Sargodha to Bahawalpur. The distance between these two cities is approximately 337 kilometers. Two trains, Millat Express and Hazara Express, operate daily between Sargodha and Bahawalpur. Below is a breakdown of the fares and timings for these trains.

Sargodha To Bahawalpur Train Fare

Train Name Economy Seat Economy Berth A.C Business A.C Lower
Millat Express Rs. 1250 Rs. 1300 Rs. 2250 Rs. 3200
Hazara Express Rs. 1100 Rs. 1150 Rs. 2200

Millat Express

  • The economy class seat fare from Sargodha to Bahawalpur on Millat Express is Rs. 1250.
  • The economy class berth fare is Rs. 1300.
  • For those preferring more comfort, the A.C Business class costs Rs. 2250.
  • The most premium option, the A.C Lower class, is priced at Rs. 3200.

Hazara Express

  • The economy class seat fare from Sargodha to Bahawalpur on Hazara Express is Rs. 1100.
  • The economy class berth fare is Rs. 1150.
  • If you choose the A.C Business class, the fare will be Rs. 2200.
  • Please note that Hazara Express does not offer A.C Lower class.

Train Timings from Sargodha to Bahawalpur

Train Name Departure Time Arrival Time
Millat Express 12:50 PM 8:20 PM
Hazara Express 2:50 PM 12:20 AM

Millat Express Timings

  • The Millat Express departs from Sargodha railway station at 12:50 PM.
  • It reaches Bahawalpur railway station at 8:20 PM.

Hazara Express Timings

  • The Hazara Express leaves Sargodha railway station at 2:50 PM.
  • It arrives at Bahawalpur railway station at 12:20 AM.

In summary, whether you are traveling on a budget or prefer more luxurious travel, both Millat Express and Hazara Express offer various fare options and timings that cater to different needs. Make sure to choose the one that suits your schedule and comfort preferences.

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