All the details related to the Lahore To Sadiqabad Train Ticket Price are available. Check all trains ticket prices from here. If you’re planning to travel from Lahore to Sadiqabad by train, here’s a detailed guide to the ticket prices for 2024. This page covers the Economy and AC class fares to help you plan your journey. Keep reading to find out the fares and train options available.
A total of five trains operate daily on this route, including Awam Express, Akbar Express, Allama Iqbal Express, Jaffar Express, and Khyber Mail. Among these, the Awam Express is managed by Pakistan Railways.
Economy and AC Class Fares for Awam Express
- Economy Seat: PKR 900
- A.C. Lower Class: PKR 1500
Comprehensive Ticket Price List
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C. Business | A.C. Standard | A.C. Sleeper |
Akbar Express | PKR 1690 | PKR 2550 | PKR 4200 | — | — |
Allama Iqbal Express | PKR 1500 | PKR 2600 | PKR 4300 | — | — |
Awam Express | PKR 1500 | PKR 2600 | PKR 4250 | PKR 2950 | — |
Jaffar Express | PKR 1850 | PKR 2650 | PKR 4200 | PKR 2850 | PKR 5100 |
Khyber Mail | PKR 1800 | PKR 2600 | PKR 3800 | PKR 2950 | PKR 5550 |
Details for Akbar Express
The Akbar Express is a popular choice.
- Economy Class Fare: PKR 1690
- A.C. Business Class Fare: PKR 4200
Details for Allama Iqbal Express
The Allama Iqbal Express offers competitive pricing.
- Economy Class Fare: PKR 1500
- A.C. Business Class Fare: PKR 4300
These updated ticket prices ensure you have a clear understanding of the cost involved, whether you choose economy or AC class. With multiple train options, you can pick the one that fits your budget and comfort.
For a hassle-free journey, book your tickets early to secure your seat.